RAC down for personal files?

Same here, not working, tried chrome & edge but same issue. It’s very frustrating.

On October 20th, I had similar issues uploading CRA Review documents using Submit Documents. The file appeared to upload properly but CRA would not accept my typed description even though it was within the required amount of letters. I repeatedly went backwards, out of Submit Documents and then back into it so as to start the process again, and also deleting the file and adding it again. I must have did this at least 5 or more times to see it would have any effect. I tried changing the typed description to fewer words, and finally to just one word and still no luck. I then changed my file name to something really short (one word) and it finally worked except the file name and description gave no info about the file. I deleted the file and replaced it with the original long file name (with SIN and Reference number in file name) and longer, detailed description, and it still worked. I must have spent 1/2 hr trying these various steps before it finally worked. Same browser, and ending with the same original text and original file name that I originally started off with. Just numerous attempts to get it to work. I’m guessing there must have been a glitch in CRA’s computer system and somehow it came back online after that 1/2 hr to accept my document? It would be great if CRA provided better error codes to help us understand their system glitches, or at least let us know their systems are down and to retry later. Very annoying indeed!

Worked today on first try. I changed nothing from the previous days.

It seems the new and improved RAC is just glitchy.

Was able to submit all day and it just went down again. Same issue as before, submit docs upload button not working. There was also a message that “this service is unavailable at this time.”


Logged in this morning at 8:30 Pacific, accessed my client’s mail. Interrupted for 10 minutes, went back “service unavailable at this time”