You can now share your templates and Excel files on the community

Thanks to @matthew for suggesting a sharing category. If you intend to share templates or download shared templates, please review the disclaimer and tips in the category topic.


Trilogy Software Inc. takes no responsibility for the files shared in this method. We do not vet the contents of these files in any way. If they contain errors, please contact the individual who originally shared the file.


To prevent the accidental spread of any malware or virus, we strongly encourage the following:

Before uploading

  1. Scan your system and the files with your virus/malware software.
  2. Triple check that you haven’t included any sensitive client data in the files.

Upon downloading

  1. Scan the file with your virus/security/malware detection software before you open it.
  2. Test before you use the file with your client data.

To upload a file

  1. Create a topic and assign it to the Sharing category.
  2. Click the Upload button.
  3. Click Choose Files to browse your computer and select the files for upload.
  4. You can only upload files with the following file extensions.
  • xlsx
  • xls
  • xltx
  • xlt
  • taxcycleTemplate
  1. Click Upload. This will add a link to the attached file to your post.

To download a file

  1. You must be logged into the community. Those just browsing cannot download these attachments. (In other words, anonymous users cannot download the files.)
  2. Click on the link in the topic to download begin download.

##Sample of what shared links look like

Click these links to download the family invoice templates:

Family Invoice_French.taxcycleTemplate (15.9 KB)
Family Invoice.taxcycleTemplate (15.5 KB)

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Have you considered restricting this area to Basic user and above?

@james1 It’s a valid idea. However, I would have to restrict the whole category because I can’t restrict just the ability to upload. We would lose about half our user base in restricting it to trust level 1 or above. Let me think about it.

I suspect that there are not many people who will join this forum and immediately upload a template. Restricting it to Basic user and up stops the drive by scammers.

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The problem is that the only way I can restrict the upload is to limit access to this category. That means that first-time users also cannot download the templates.

Got it. I guess if there are no issues, the status quo would be fine