AuthRepBus Pending Email Template

For this morning’s templates webinar, I created a template to remind your clients when they need to authorize a pending business authorization request.

We’ll walk through creating the template step-by-step in the webinar but if you’d rather, you download a sample file here: T1TY2022.AuthRepBusPending.taxcycletemplate (4.8 KB)

Hope to see you online this morning!

This is great - Thank you!

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That’s a great idea, @Elizabeth, once the client has a My Business Account. I’m finding it a real PITA shepherding clients through the process of getting registered. I’ve had three clients come in and actually sit with me while we get them to the point where they can get a password mailed to them. I think CRA jumped the gun on this but they don’t really care since it pushes the work to the accountant. Just my rant for the day.


AuthRepBus is really not all that relevant anymore.

If or once they have the My Business Account setup they can authorize a rep by typing in a RepID, GroupID, or BN directly.


This is fantastic! Your webinars are really helpful.

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How do i Import this template to tax cycle?

I think you just copy the file into the Templates folder (normally C:\ProgramData\Trilogy\TaxCycle\Templates).

Or wherever your TaxCycle Templates are stored. Ours are on a communal drive, not on C!

Yes @kevin is right, although a couple of years ago we changed the handling of template files so they can be included in an options profile too, which is a zip file. (Highly recommend moving your templates into an options profile if you haven’t already, see: Move Settings and Templates into Options Profiles - TaxCycle)

@asifnana, if you’re running the latest release (Cameron just added this last week), just go into the Template Files page in Options, right-click on the files there and select Add to this folder. Browse for the file and it will get added to the Options Profile or local folder.

As always with templates, it’s best to at least re-open the current file and if you have any difficulty seeing the latest template changes, restart TaxCycle. It’s been pretty good at refreshing but occasionally it does require you quit and open again.