Taxfolder is stressing me out

I’ve created a couple of new engagements in Taxfolder and added copies of the clients T1 returns for them to review. Neither of them can access their taxfolder. So I rent the activation link and both of them received, only to their phones, a message that says “invalid ID, already connected. thie invitation link was already used to connect…”

  1. how come they aren’t able to see their account on email?
  2. what is happening??

Please contact support and give them the client ID or email so we can take a look at what might be happening.

Based on the error message though - they should be able to just go to TaxFolder and log into their client portal. That message shows when they try to follow a TaxFolder invite link that has already been connected with a TaxCycle account.

Before the Feb 11 update, if a client was created in TaxFolder we also created the associated TaxCycle Single Sign-On (SSO) account and sent an “activation” link to set a password.

With the update on Feb 11, that process changed and we now send an invitation to connect an account and the client can use an existing TaxCycle SSO if one was previously created for them, or they can create a new one to use to log into TaxFolder. The email that they use to sign into TaxFolder does not have to be the same email entered in TaxFolder for the notifications and signature requests.

For linking from the email, documents you send for Signature or for Approval can be opened from the email links. Documents you Share with your clients or add to the Preparer Files in the TaxFolder engagement can only be viewed by logging into the client portal.

I also get frustrated with this app.
I uploaded documents to a folder and client received the notification but no invite. So I dont know what to do?

If a client was not “invited” to use TaxFolder when they were first added to TaxFolder then you need to manually resend the invite to connect them.

To check if your client is connected, look for the green linked icon on the Client List or next to the client name in the detailed view. If this is showing as a red broken link that means that they are not able to access their client portal and an invite needs to be resent.

Thank you Sarka