Taxfolder invite status

I couldn’t see an answer to this, so hopefully it hasn’t been asked before. Where do I see if a client has or hasn’t accepted an invitation and whether or not the invite has expired? Is there a notification setting somewhere I need to change to get these?

Currently there is no visibility in the preparer dashboard for whether or not a client is connected in TaxFolder. A feature for this is now making its way to the top of our customer wish list. We understand this lack of visibility is a pain point we need to solve going into the next tax season.

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The recent addition of ‘client portal connection status’ to the client list is a start, and (based on older posts) long overdue.

However, we should be able distinguish (and sort/search) the five possible states of an invitation:

  • PENDING = No invitation sent (when we create an account but don’t check the box)**
  • INVALID = Invitation sent, email rebounds (a function of the ‘noreply’ service)
  • SENT/OPEN = Invitation sent, awaiting client response
  • ACCEPTED = Invitation sent, client has accepted
  • EXPIRED = Invitation sent, no response within 48h
    The first two indicate an error on our part when setting up the account. The others depend on the client response to the invitation.

** For clients where we only use TF for signatures, PENDING could be replaced with TO SIGN ONLY!

Thank you for the detailed suggestion. It’s like you have a background in writing specifications - do you? For background, we started with something simple that we could get in for this tax season knowing that we would need to beef this up in the future. I have added the details from your post to our feature request tracker.