Family Pre Season Letter


I am wondering if there is a template for a preseason letter that will include both parent names as well as any dependents attached in the same file? Looking to send only one letter for preseason (similar to the joint template) but include any dependents as well.


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So you want to be able to show the checklist for each dependant as well as the principal taxpayer and spouse. That should be doable with a change in the way it repeats. Let me try something and see if it is what you are looking for. Stay tuned, I will post it back here.

Okay. Try this one. You can just drop it into your templates folder and restart TaxCycle. T1TY2017.FPreSeason.taxcycletemplate (27.5 KB)

If you’re curious how I did this, I just replaced this line at the very end of the template:

{{# CurrentClient }} {{> details }} {{/ CurrentClient }} {{# CurrentSpouse }} {{> details }} {{/ CurrentSpouse }}

With this one that picks up all clients in the file:

{{# File.Clients }} {{> details }} {{/ File.Clients }}

BTW, if you are happy with it, I can see whether we can just include it in our default built-in templates.

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Great idea.

I have adult, spouse, children, and one or two grandparents.

In these cases, the grandparent or grandparents may be living the adult child, on their own, in a nursing home.

The grandparent(s) are often listed with some or all of the following.

  1. medical expenses paid for a dependent.

  2. caregiver amount

  3. disability tax credit transfer

There may be Guardianship or an Enduring or an Enacted Power of Attorney on file. In most cases one of the adults usually manages the document gathering and tax filing process.

I just tried this with a single parent with two adult children in university and the template did not show in the list of forms once I pressed F4.

Are there exclusions?

@TimParris I just reread and realized I misunderstood your question. I’m going to delete my prior response and look into it. There may be a condition preventing it from showing if it is not a coupled return. Good catch.

Thanks so much @Elizabeth. I just tried the template out for a family return and it worked perfectly. I think this would be a great template to add to the standard set. We have a lot of clients with children in which we communicate to the parents largely instead of the children so this streamlines the communication.

Thanks @Laura-R. I am trying to finalize it for the next TaxCycle release. (Hopefully.)

I have resolved this condition (thanks to @Cameron’s help) and it will be fixed when it goes into the build. In the meantime, use following conditions in template properties.

Relevant: count(File.Dependants) > 0
Used: CurrentClient = File.Principal


This means the template will only show if there are dependants in the file (regardless of whether there is both a taxpayer and spouse), and in that case it will only be considered used in the principal taxpayer’s forms. This means, if you add it to a print set and you make it selected for print when used, it will automatically be included.

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Will there be a version of the this letter added as Post Season 2016? We would like to use it, but don’t roll our files forward prior to doing the letters.

Done. We have added it as a FPostSeason to the 2016 module as well as of the coming release. Enjoy!

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I noticed what appears to be an error on the Family Post Season and Pre Season letters.
On the Tax Information Checklist under the Slips used to prepare last year’s return section, the code includes
{{# CurrentClient }}
at the beginning, and
{{/ CurrentClient}}
at the end.
Those two bits of code need to be removed or you will print out the current client slips (Principal client in most cases) for everyone in the file.

Edited to add:
Also I think the Relevant and Used criteria are backwards in the the latest release. I Think what Elizabeth noted above is correct, but the release has them reversed.

Thanks @matthew. I will take a look.

Yes, @matthew. Those snuck their way past me. I have fixed them up so they will be in the next release. Thanks.

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Based on some questions we’ve had this week, I’ve been thinking of adjusting the used and relevant conditions on preseason letters, so that it marks the right letter as used based on the returns in the file.

  • For returns without a spouse or dependants, it would use the PreSeason letter.
  • For returns with dependants (whether or not there was a spouse), it would use the Family PreSeason letter.
  • For returns with a spouse but without dependants, it would use the Joint PreSeason letter.

This way, you could add them to a custom print set and it would select the correct one that is used. I would keep the relevant conditions as they are.

Any thoughts?


I set up exactly what you describe for our letters. Along with the being able to include all three in one print set that we can batch print, it also allowed our preparers to just press F4 and type post to get to the correct letter. You don’t mention it above, but I also set it so that none of the letters show unless you are in the Principal’s tax return.

Okay. This is what I’m going to do for the pending release (if I can get it tested in time). This means you can create a print set and have the correct preseason (or postseason) letter selected as used and print for the client.

It also allows access to the other letters as long as they are relevant, without marking them as used. For example, in a family return, you can still look and print the joint or preseason letter if you prefer.


Relevant: isblank(CurrentClient.Info.Filing.DateOfDeath)

  • The letter will show in the forms list for all clients, whether taxpayer, spouse or dependant, as long as they aren’t deceased.

Used: count(File.Dependants)=0 and not(coupled(CurrentClient))

  • The letter will only be marked as used (and therefore selected for print if you add it to a print set) if the file is not coupled and there are no dependants.


Relevant: coupled(CurrentClient) and isblank(CurrentClient.Info.Filing.DateOfDeath)

  • The letter will show in the forms list for clients who are coupled, either taxpayer or spouse, as long as they aren’t deceased.

Used: CurrentClient = File.Principal and count(File.Dependants)=0

  • The letter will only be marked as used (and therefore selected for print if you add it to a print set) if for the principal taxpayer as long as no dependants.


Relevant: (CurrentClient = File.Partner or CurrentClient = File.Principal) and count(File.Dependants) > 0 and isblank(CurrentClient.Info.Filing.DateOfDeath)

  • The letter will show in the forms list for clients who are either taxpayer or spouse and have dependant, as long as they aren’t deceased.

Used: CurrentClient = File.Principal

  • The letter will only be marked as used (and therefore selected for print if you add it to a print set) for the principal taxpayer.

Remember, if you want to always print the PreSeason letter and never use the other ones, you have options in the form selection of a print set (when you right click) to always select a particular form for print. Hopefully, this will allow everyone to get what they want.


This change made it into the last release. FYI