Bus AuthRep for Deceased Sole Proprietor

I have a Bus AuthRep to send to a legal representative of a decease sole proprietor. The Personal AuthRep populates with the legal rep’s name based on the life events data input, but the Business AuthRep still shows the deceased taxpayer’s name. Do I manually override to add the legal rep’s name?

You would have to but filing the auth form electronically is useless since you can only get into their business accounts if you’re manually added by someone logging in to the CRA and either clicking the pending auth or adding your business number.

So, the executor would need to contact CRA, prove they are the executor, work with CRA to get authorization on the business number and accounts, and then the ability to log into it, and then they could log in and authorize you. CRA makes it really lengthy and complicated to get authorization after death but the new way they are making us deal with business authorization just makes it a million times worth.

Good luck!

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Thank you. I have started down this route with the legal representative. I was hoping it would be more expeditious!