Where does TaxFolder Pick up the Phone Number?

When I log into my TaxFolder Portal and navigate to Client Dashboard I notice the phone number is missing for some clients. Under the heading phone number the box is just empty.

I would not have set up these clients manually through TaxFolder; instead I would have sent out T183’s to these clients for digital signing, which would have been signed and returned… so the phone number used to send out the T183 was obviously correct. TaxFolder would have added the client automatically during the T183 digital signature process.

I can’t seem to find any way in TaxFolder to edit the clients information to add their phone number (even though I’m not sure why it isn’t listed there in the first place).

Anyway, how do I make sure a client’s phone number will end up with the rest of their information in the Client Dashboard?

@snoplowguy We have noticed this issue and are looking at it too. For the moment, to troubleshoot a different concern, we have disabled the Edit Client function which would allow you to edit the phone number. See Known Issue: Edit Client Info Unavailable in TaxFolder | TaxCycle That should be back in place this weekend.

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And instructions on the Edit Client function are here: Managing Clients in TaxFolder | TaxCycle

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Just to provide an update;

I have sent out several T183 forms via TaxFolder. I find that it is working well. TaxFolder automatically adds those clients to its database so when I log into my TaxFolder I see them in the client list.

Phone numbers are still missing for each and every client that automatically gets added to the database via a request for a T183 form.

Also… maybe this isn’t the correct topic to mention this;

I have configured my digitally signed T183 forms to save to a specific folder called 2020 T183

When I print or initiate a request for a T183 TaxCycle places the unsigned PDF document (filename.pdf) in that folder. Once I receive a notification the client has signed their T183 the signed document named Filename (1).pdf does not appear in that folder unless I go to the client’s T183 screen in TaxCycle and manually hit “View” at the top where TaxFolder reports the T183 has been signed.

I have looked for the signed form everywhere, and it just doesn’t seem to appear until I hit view in the T183 form. It isn’t a big deal, as I know how to get the file to appear in the folder… but I find it odd.

If I have TaxCycle open and that folder open I can see the file magically appear when I hit “view” in the T183 screen.

All of my TaxCycle files are stored on a Synology NAS so maybe that is the reason?

This will be fixed in the next TaxCycle release. It is in testing now.

For documents coming back, these are saved in the same location as the Tax Return by default. At some point we can look at adding a way to specify the location in the options.

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