T4 and T5 filing

When will the filing version be available? I have a number of T4 sets ready to be efiled.


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@Louise –

We are doing final testing now. Today or tomorrow!

~ Cameron



Just an update for you - build 25570 is now live and does allow for slip filing.

~ Rob

I filed two and it went well.
Only thing is it did not update the status icon in the file manager to say it had been filed .

Great job guys
smooth filing service.

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I too filed my first one of the year without a hitch. I notice that the status in the Client Manager does not update as well but it did not also update last year as well so it may not be designed that way at the moment. That would be nice though if it did.

I have just filed my first T slip and am wondering how to link the information to existing clients in T1? Any hints?


Have filed a number of T4s now. Works great. Really like the carryforward from last year.

I am just starting to do my T4’s & T5’s for this tax season. A couple of things I don’t like already – maybe it’s user error.

When carrying forward a Profile FX file a prompt comes up what you want to carry forward. I selected T4 & T5 but it will only carry forward the T4. You have to create a separate file to carry forward the T5. Who thought that was a good idea? If it’s not going to carry the slip forward it shouldn’t come up in the initial list. And it should really be able to handle all the slip carryforwards and not have to create separate files for each client and each type of TSlip.

Also I can’t see a way to automatically create a T4/T5 slip from a T2. This was a feature in Profile that was very handy. It looks like I have to MANUALLY create any new client files for T4/T5s. And one for each type of slip I need. Please advise if I am missing something.

@Michelle –

Sorry for the long post. Skip to the end if you are interested in the solution to the second of your problems… :blush:

I thought it was a good idea. And there are a bunch of reasons why we keep them in separate files… mostly to do with printing and client manager. If you look at the competition with regards printing slips where multiple kinds of slips are kept in one file, it’s a real mess. Configuration and printing just the slips you want is difficult to use.

From a client manager perspective, it’s much easier for us to show the efile / printed status of each of your files in Client Manager. When all the different slip types are jammed into a single file, we wouldn’t know what status you care about for that file. For example, if there are no T5 slips in an FX file, is it because the T5 return is not done yet, or is it because there are no T5 slips to issue? In TaxCycle, if it’s a T5 file, we know that you are filing a T5, and we can show the status in Client Manager accordingly.

Also, lots of our clients buy just T4 or just T5, so it’s nice we can give them that option.

When you are doing your carry-forward from ProFile FX, if you check both T4/T4A and T5, it should create two windows and two files… one with T4/T4A and one with T5. If that is not happening please provide some more details (and perhaps send the source FX file via eCourier) and we will investigate further.

You’re not missing anything. We haven’t done this yet. The reason is that we want to build this functionality on top of client manager… so you could click on a client and chose the type of file you want to create. This would give you the ability to create a T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, etc, etc, all using the basic client name and address in Client Manager. Building it this way will also provide the ability to create a 2013 T1 from a 2014 T1 file, etc, etc. Edge cases for sure, but lots have asked for it.

Unfortunately we’re we probably won’t have this work done for another month or so, which is too late for this year. So I spent a little time tonight while the kids were watching TV and built the old create a file from a T2 using TaxCycle’s extensibility features. So, you can have the functionality you want in about 2 minutes if you follow these steps:

  1. Download this file: http://get.taxcycle.com/SampleExtensions/Sample.T2TY2014CreateSlips.dll (if you are using internet explorer, you may get a message, something like "this file is not commonly downloaded, etc, etc. You can safely ignore that, if you trust me)
  2. Put this file into the folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Trilogy Software\TaxCycle\Extensions (you will need administrator permission to do this)
  3. Open TaxCycle
  4. On the left hand side, click “Help” and then “Modules and Extensions”
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the list on the right hand side, and look for an extension called “Trilogy Slip Creation Extension”. Click “Enable”. Once again you will need administrative privileges to do this.
  6. Close TaxCycle

Once this is done you can restart TaxCycle, open your 2014 T2 file. Click on the “Tools” ribbon tab. On the far right there is a section called “Slips”, with the option to create both a T4 and a T5 file.

If anyone wants to create their own extension to do something similar, let me know and I will post the source code here. It’s less than 300 lines of C#.

That’s it… let us know if there is anything else we can do.

Best regards,

~ Cameron


Ok, I will try that.

I used profile before, I didn’t find printing the TSlips a mess at all. I just set my default printer to PDF. However, that said I do like the customizable print jobs that TaxCycle has.

Anything Else? – I would still like to see some improvements on the template editor. Syntax Checking for one, improved editor so you don’t have to pull up a separate HTML editor to update anything that is more complex than plain text.

I also notice that there are slips/forms missing from the Taxcycle suite that were in FX. Like the GST44, RC1. Any plans to implement more forms in the future?

Thanks Cameron, it’s nice to know someone other than us accountants are putting in long hours right now.

TaxCycle generates this error and doesn’t load the extension. I have Version 3.2.25897.0 And .NET 4.5.2, and I run Windows 7 Pro (64).

TaxCycle tells me it’s up to date.

SourceTrace Error: 0 : Unable to load module or extension: C:\Program Files (x86)\Trilogy Software\TaxCycle\Extensions\Sample.T2TY2014CreateSlips.dll
Error : System.NotSupportedException An attempt was made to load an assembly from a network location which would have caused the assembly to be sandboxed in previous versions of the .NET Framework. This release of the .NET Framework does not enable CAS policy by default, so this load may be dangerous. If this load is not intended to sandbox the assembly, please enable the loadFromRemoteSources switch. See http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=155569 for more information.
Source : mscorlib
Details : at System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.nLoadFile(String path, Evidence evidence)
at System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFile(String path)
at Trilogy.TaxCycle.ModuleLoader.(String , Boolean )

Hope that helps.

After reading the error – I went into the folder and unblocked the security exception Windows put on the dll. Works fine now.


Nice :slight_smile: if you had a moment sometime I’d be interested in the source code, thanks! :smile:

@verlin –

I’ll add the “Create T5018” tonight and post it sometime later.


~ Cameron

@verlin –

I’ve update the download link above to include T5018 as well.

Here’s the source code: http://get.taxcycle.com/SampleExtensions/Sample.T2TY2014CreateSlips.zip The usual caveats apply… provided without warranty etc etc. You will need to change the references to point to your install directory. Make sure the properties on any referenced Trilogy assembly have Copy Local set to false. You’ll know if you have done this wrong because TaxCycle will not work at all. Never fear, just delete everything from your extensions directory and start again.

~ Cameron

For any of those still struggling to enable the extension in TaxCycle:

Close your TaxCycle application.

Using file explorer navigate to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Trilogy Software\TaxCycle

Open TaxCycle.exe.config file in an editing program such as Notepad++ that is being run as an administrator

Find the runtime section of the file and enter to first line in the section and save the changes. It should like this when complete:

Now follow instructions as posted by Cameron to enable the extension. We hope to bundle this in a future release so that none of these extra steps need to be taken to have the create slips functionality.

~ Rob

Hello Cameron,

I am starting in with carryfoward of my T4/T5 from profile into taxcycle. I see that it will not seperate between T4 and T5 and that we have to go in and manually create the file? I dont see the option that you mentioned of being able to choose both T4 and T5 when you open a file is there a setting to change so i can get that function. Also i was wondering if it has been updated so that the files will automatically seperate so i dont have to go in and make the new file?
