T1 Carry Forward Refresh Error

We’re experiencing some issues when trying to refresh prior year data in our files. The following is the error we’ve been experiencing:

System.Exception Principal taxpayer has changed. Cannot redo the carry forward…
Source : Module.T1TY2019.CarryForward
at Trilogy.T1TY2019.T1TY2019TaxCycleCarryForward.FileCarryforward(ITaxCycleFile fromFile, ITaxCycleFile toFile, IFileInteractionContextFactory fileInteractionContextFactory, IFileLeaseFactory fileLeaseFactory)
at Trilogy.TaxCycle.MainWindow.<>c__DisplayClass349_0.b__0(ITaxCycleFile fromFile, ITaxCycleFile toFile, String fromFileName)
at Trilogy.TaxCycle.View.CarryforwardAndRefreshDialogHelpers.RefreshFile(MainWindow owner, String fromFileName, ClientEntity toClient, Action`3 refreshAction)

            Stack Frames:
                            [06000002] [L_000000A4]            at Module.T1TY2019.CarryForward.dll, Trilogy.T1TY2019.T1TY2019TaxCycleCarryForward::FileCarryforward
                            [06001B32] [L_0000001B]            at TaxCycle.exe, Trilogy.TaxCycle.MainWindow+<>c__DisplayClass349_0::<RefreshCarryforwardExecuted>b__0
                            [060003FE] [L_000000FF]             at TaxCycle.exe, Trilogy.TaxCycle.View.CarryforwardAndRefreshDialogHelpers::RefreshFile

Have you uncoupled this return after you carried forward? That’s what this error suggests…

Hey Cameron,

No, this taxpayer does not have a spouse for any of the years we’re working on.

Is it just one file you’re having an issue with?

This error means that the internal identifier of the taxpayer you carried forward does not match the internal identifier of the taxpayer you are using to refresh the carryforward. So the other issue could be that the link to the file from which the taxpayer was carried forward is no longer correct.