Search result for dividends

I am trying to find a search for T2’s that would list any dividends, or even salaries (on the return) for the purpose of tracking T5’s or even T4’s that need to be prepared.
I do have a list ongoing, and can review prior year slips prepared but I am concerned if anything was missed.
I don’t see anything myself that would offer that search result, anyone have any suggestions?

@jbyte There is no specific search for this in Client Manager. What you can do is add the Preparer Instructions field (or one of the other Engagement form fields like Return ID) to the column layout in Client Manager and use this box on the Engagement Form when preparing a T2 to note if T5s or T4s need to be filed. Then you can search and filter based on this field in Client Manager.

See our help topic at Client Manager Searches | TaxCycle