Quick Search and AuthRep

We are trying to figure out the best process flow in the following example.
A T1 client comes to see us in November of 2020 to get ready for filing T1 2021.
We complete and e-file the AuthRep through tax cycle 2020 module.
When we complete a quick search in January 2021 to see which 2020 files still need to be filed before the 2020 e-file closing date, these types of files come up in the search as needing to be resolved to file. But we are not going to be filing a 2020.
What is the best practice to have these files not populate on my quick search?
We have tried marking them as completed but they still come up in the search.
We have tried putting them as “will not file”, this keeps them off the search (great) but then also changes the AuthRep to will not file and the only way we can see that it was filed is via the AuthRep Results (not ideal)
Are we missing a step? We tried saving these types of files with AUTHFILEONLY in the file name but this still means they populate in the quick search and time consuming to review.
Thanks in advance for any direction you can share.

I tend to add an entry in the “assign confirmation number” section in the “T1 EFILE transmitted” area of the Workflow.

As simple entry of “Filed” will do.

Now why didn’t I think of that. Thanks Arliss, I knew someone would have a simple solution. I love this forum!

In the workflow that comes up when you save a file there is a “Will not be filed” check box.

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That was referenced above:

'We have tried putting them as “will not file”, this keeps them off the search (great) but then also changes the AuthRep to will not file and the only way we can see that it was filed is via the AuthRep Results (not ideal)