Numerical Order of T4 Slips within Taxcycle

By default, our payroll software outputs the year end employee earnings data sorted by employee number (or first in first out), not alphabetically. Our former T-slip preparation software kept this same (first in first out) order when creating new T4 slips. Basically slip 1 was always the first T4 slip you entered, slip 2 was always the 2nd T4 slip you entered etc. Of course, the printed T4 output was sorted alphabetically, but not the actual slip number in the data entry area.

When I carry forward Profile T4 files to Taxcycle the employee data from 2015 are imported alphabetically, and not in the order they existed in Profile (and within our payroll software).

I want to confirm there is no setting in Taxcycle that will allow the importing of 2015 T4 data in their actual slip order and not alphabetically. If there is no way other than to import alphabetically, that is fine, I might be able to change some things on my end to make it work. I just want to double check before I make procedural adjustments on how T4’s are entered.

Going a little further … When I import or bring forward 2015 slip data from Profile, it imports alphabetically as described above, but when I add lets say 5 more employees to the employer, it adds them to the end, and not alphabetically.

It could be that in order to get the employees to show up in the order I want, I would need to either delete the actual employee slips in Taxcycle (or not carry forward any of the actual slips) and re-enter all the employee information in Taxcycle.

@snoplowguy –

Give me a day to think about this… we do sort the data before we import it from ProFile. We can easily remove this, or make it a carryforward option – I’m not sure which yet.

Don’t change your process. I think we can solve it for you.

Thanks for the feedback.

~ Cameron

There is no rush on this, as T4 season is still a little ways out. I am just trying to familiarize myself with how things work with Taxcycle, entry conventions, protocols etc, so that I can hit the ground running when T4 season starts in January. I also want to have my homework done prior to November 30th when the Taxcycle tour hits London. :relaxed:

Once again, this is not a huge deal and I certainly don’t want to be a pain in the neck client. :blush:

This drives me nuts too - adding and not being alphabetical is fine, but on carry foward to the next year, it should alphabetize them into the stack.

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There needs to be a bit more functionality to the T4 program etc. I would still like to see the ability to get totals for all box numbers. I know they were looking into this but I have not checked to see if it is there yet.

[quote=“Cameron, post:2, topic:826, full:true”]
@snoplowguy –
Don’t change your process. I think we can solve it for you. [/quote]

I was wondering whether being able to carryforward the slip data without sorting was still something that might possibly be in the works? I try to have my slips completed by about the 2nd week of January so that any overages or shortages on source deductions for the year can be balanced out with the January 15th remittance. I am still about 3 weeks from needing to use the T4 functionality of the Forms module with heavy volume.

By default, Taxcycle sorts the T-slips alphabetically when it converts the file from Profile. I was hoping to be able to carry the slips forward in the same sequence they were stored in Profile.

Thanks again for revisiting this.