Keyboard shortcut to print

Is there a keyboard shortcut to print the current print set? I can’t seem to find a way to get there, even if I Tab through the menus and ribbon. I know how to print the whole family using Alt F T, then tab to the button at bottom. But, how do I print just the current taxpayer? See below. With the Print tab active, I have to actually click the mouse on the Print button. Looking for keyboard shortcut to that.

Hi @Nezzer I’ve been thinking about this one as you are right that there isn’t a shortcut. It needs a bit more thought on our part because when you press Ctrl+P it opens the sidebar but you really can’t navigate to the Print Selected button by keyboard.

Hi @Nezzer. In the next release (likely next week), we’re adding Alt+Shift+P to TaxCycle for this function.

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Awesome! Thanks @Elizabeth !