How to remove submission number

I had a T4 file rejected. I recorded the submissions number which I see now I should not have. I want to transmit again, but I can’t because TaxCycle thinks I had a successful transmission. When I dismiss the results, I only get the option to amend or cancel.

I can’t see where I can remove the confirmation number so I can start over.

Anyone else have this happen and how can I resolve other than starting a new file.

With the return open I think you can click on the “Transmit” tab on the left hand side of TaxCycle which will display your previous transmission results that likely says “Transmission Successful”.

In that same area click on either the date or the little grey down arrow below the happy face, which will expand the results.

At the bottom of that there should be something that says “Dismiss start again”

This should allow you to re-transmit your XML file again.

You will need to delete the submission confirmation on each individual slip to reset transmission of the original slips. On the row you can CTRL+D to delete the row or right-click and delete.

I’ve done that, but it still shows “original slips” 0

FWIW, after Ctrl-D the row, I saved, re-loaded the file and it’s fine. Shows “1” now.

Thanks, that worked for me. Once deleted on each slip, I dismissed the results and it showed Original slips again.