Email incorrect in Taxfolder

We have a couple situations where the email was entered incorrectly in either the T1 or in setting up the client manually in TaxFolder. We are trying to find a solution to change the email (and/or phone number) in TaxFolder to correct this. However we cant seem to figure out a way to edit the information. We wanted to delete the incorrect profile but could not do so. We did create a second client profile but I dont think this is the best solution as I think when you are in the T1 and send the docs back to TaxFolder, it goes to the first client account set up, which has the wrong email address. Help!

We have had to temporarily disable the option to update the client name and email address in order to address an issue found on Monday. This will be made available again with our next update planned for this weekend.

If you update the email in the T1 file, it should find the second client you created in the TaxFolder account to connect your documents.