AT1 Logo not printing correctly through Adobe PDF

I’ve noticed that the TRA logos have not been printing to PDF properly for the AT1 Schedules when using Adobe PDF in the 2017 module:

They print fine when I use cutePDF writer instead, or when printing to paper.

Anyone else notice this?

Yeah, just checked and see that too…

@rick.s @BertMulderCGA We have seen and fixed these sort issues in other forms before. It looks like the panel around the icon is being pushed down causing the logo to move down. I printed to pdf but was not able to reproduce but it could also be related to the monitor screen resolution. Anyway, I will try fix this tomorrow and will try to get it into the next release.


@rick.s @BertMulderCGA
Colan of my office fixed this issue. Please check in the upcoming release this week or early next week. If the problem persists, please let us know so we can address this for you. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Have a great day!


Does anyone know if printed with out the full logo on forms and schedules would CRA accept this form?