Alberta Consent Form AT4930

I’ve never even thought about using this in TaxCycle, but today it occurred to me to look for the form, and it’s there…but it doesn’t seem to work.

The firm name doesn’t populate and the form is somewhat different from the fillable PDF form online. Has anyone gotten this to work or have any feedback on it?

We use it all of the time!

You do have to make sure that the “Authorization type” is not “None” or “Valid AT4930 already on file”, and you have to tick the box you need under “Details of New Authorization” and select the type of person signing (we usually pick “an owner”).

You can authorize a firm for phone/mail access, but you can not authorize online access to the firm, it has to be to an individual so you have to be careful when you are filling it out to make sure the right person is getting authorized.

Otherwise it is readily accepted by TRA if you attach it to an email to them at

I guess that’s why the “firm” doesn’t show up as TRACS access is tied to the “Alberta Digital ID” which is only issued to individuals…kind of a goofy idea as it means that in an org with numerous people, they’re tied to reissuing / reclaiming access all the time.

We picked one person in the form to have access and get them to get anything we need from TRACS.

But yes, it’s annoying to not be able to authorise a firm and they need a better system.

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Brand new firm access!

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Woo hoo!!! And I just sent them a whining letter a few days ago… :slight_smile:

It’s about time.

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They listen to you, Don! Congratulations on another win!

Ha ha…thanks…but I doubt that just SO much!! (does ANY gov’t listen to anyone?)

Today - they must listen not to individuals maybe, but to the total responses from each riding! But otherwise, not so much.

Funnily enough…I just got a response to the email I’d sent saying it’s now available…hmmmm.

…and after all that, it’s useless to me, as they require a “verified” Alberta Digital ID (I have an unverified one), but as am no longer a resident of Alberta, I can’t get one either. If my employees were resident there THEY could register and then get delegated authority from me to register the firm…but none live in Alberta either (though most of my clients are there).

Maybe I’ll “hire” one of my kids that’s living there…

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For anyone who can and wants to use this:

There is a “bug”, when you are creating or uploading a consent form you must use ALL CAPS for the company name. They are aware of it, and have requested it to be fixed, but for now the work around is to just use all caps when entering the company name.