AFR not working multiple AuthRep authorizations

I have a personal RepID and have been authorized by many clients (personal and corporate) to have Level 3 delegate access authorization on their accounts. This is helpful if they want to me to make changes (like address updates, representative changes, etc.). However, I created a GroupID and had my clients authorize the Group ID which has a level 2 authorization level (Update & View) so I can have my team access the CRA accounts to pull information (Tax Slips, etc.) needed to prepare tax returns, but now AFR does not work with TaxCycle. I get the following error message:

You have multiple authorizations for the SIN or BN entered.
You will only be able to obtain tax information if you sign in to Represent a Client.

Does anyone else have this issue?
If so, what workarounds are people using?
Is this a known issue by TaxCycle or CRA?

This has been an issue with CRA since the inception of AFR.
Their system is unable to handle multiple authorizations on a single account for essentially the same entity, as they see it.

You can always try calling the EFILE Help Desk to see if they will ever get this resolved.
The only way to get AFR to work is to delete any extra authorizations so you only have one on file at CRA.

I’ve had this situation. Unfortunately you might have to choose which authorization you want to keep. If you have another trusted admin, you could disassociate yourself from the group to keep the L3 but what might be simpler (depending on your organization’s dynamics) is to have a team member take care of the AFR bit for you?