Unused tuition fee from Newfoundland to Alberta

Anybody knows if somebody can use her unused tuition fee from Newfoundland in Alberta (after moving)
On what basis?
Because I found this from Taxtips:
If you moved to another province after carrying forward tuition and education amounts, then you will use the federal unused tuition and education amounts from your notice of assessment as a carry-forward when completing the provincial Schedule 11 for your new province of residence, unless you moved to Ontario, Prince Edward Island, or Quebec.

And this from H&R Block:
Jack spent three years at the University of British Columbia. He earned $20,000 of unused federal tuition and education amounts and $15,000 of unused provincial amounts. In 2017, he moved to Alberta to work. Because his unused amounts are carried forward from a different province, they are deemed to be $20,000 – the same as his federal carry forward amount.

They seems really strange to me? Is that correct?
HR Block on that link says that you can transfer the federal amount as provincial to other provinces?!!

Thanks in advance.