

Then you have not received the phone call yet from Docusign regarding your total number of signatures.

Check out the FAQ on Docusign,
DocuSign eSignature Pricing Plans

eSignature Standard and Business Pro
We believe that send volume (i.e. number of envelopes sent for signature) should not be a deciding factor in selecting your eSignature provider, and we understand that you may not know how many envelopes you’ll need to send for signature in your first year with DocuSign. Based on historical usage of our existing customer base, we know that 100 envelopes per user per year far exceeds the needs for most customers. Therefore, Standard and Business Pro annual plans include an allowance of up to 100 sent envelopes per user per year. Monthly plans have a pro-rated monthly allowance. Once an envelope is sent, it will count towards this allowance whether or not the envelope is signed or completed. You will be able to correct an envelope in flight prior to completion without having it count toward the plan allowance. The number of envelopes sent for signature using PowerForms or Bulk Send will also count towards this allowance. If you do send more than 100 envelopes in your first year, our sales team may contact you to help you choose the plan that best meets your needs.

I got the call this year and they wanted around $2,000 for Docusign for this year from me and I only sent 250 packages or eight dollars a piece. Your 700 docusign packets are far above the prorated 33 purchased for the four months you had a license. Do the math, 700*8=$5,600 for you to send 700 packages to your clients using docusign compared to Taxcycles $800 you are getting a deal. Btw, Since you are sending more than the maximum amount of packets, you are required to call them to purchase the proper licence going forward per the FAQ.

Actually, they have changed their FAQ since it use to reference fair use and now it is specific on how they are counting the usage so do not be surprised that you are cut off after hitting your quota if you do not pay them eight dollars per signature.

Looks like you would get a deal with more
