Taxfolder Not working

Their share price took quite a hit last week.

Actually, Cantax has stayed the same since 1995. They just ported it to Windows but it remains the same. They just patch it every year like Profile - no improvments or modernization.

Looks like TaxFolder is down for the rest of the day and into the evening according to the news feed and can’t send anything.

This is a productivity killer. I have a bunch of clients that have uploaded documents that I can’t access. Saturday and Sunday is my catch up days. And now dealing with frustrated clients who are phoning me on a Saturday. During this time of the year, maintenance probably should be done over night and not mid day.
I never imagined saying this, but I am thinking about going back to E-courier.

We were just saying the same thing about having our hands tied now for the day. I’m glad it’s being worked on but would give my entire kingdom and everyone else’s for this to have been done overnight!

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With all that’s happened, Xero should refund TaxFolder users

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If SignNow (or any other e-Signature platform) would allow API integration with TaxCycle for that low price we would have just done that. Unfortunately, to integrate with SignNow requires at $146/month subscription… check the link below:

signNow API Plans & Pricing


Its back up and running FYI

Thanks for that information @Cameron

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