T4 E filing

Seems never-ending issues with T4 filing this year. I don’t recall seeing a similar issue, and it has nothing to do with Taxcycle, just want to see if anyone experienced that.

I submitted the T4 electronically using XML files, after many tweaks reading many posts, and was successfully submitted the file, only to find out the file did not include all the non-active employees. I remembered to click to include all employees including terminated for 2024, and the printed copy shows all, but CRA assessed the file and none of the terminated employees were showing, so now that’s a huge discrepancy. When I called CRA, they said do the manual entry, but it looks like it only allows 5 max, so not sure if it’s going to allow me to do multiple entries, and not sure if they are going to charge penalties because more than 5, it must be electronically submitted.

If I’m going T4’s from Sage, I generally make everyone active, then change back once the slips are processed. Although that doesn’t help you now. It certainly is a pain that we now have to check if our submissions are actually processed properly by CRA. They may as well let everyone go except the cleaning staff, let the computers handle everything, and if there’s a problem, process forms as submitted. Can’t get much worse. Unless next year we have to deal with the IRS. Has anymore else noticed the eery similarities between the actions of Trump and a certain dictator from the 1930’s?

OK, am I stupid or what? I just filed a simple T4 for a client…I have a WAC and using my account number as I always have. I proceededand got THREE error messages:

Seeing as it said it was only a “possible” error, I continued. Then I received Christmas colours:

So both…wrong and … right? No…it says “Rejected”, without explanation.

Then the summary:

Is there anyone awake at CRA…anywhere?

So: now what do I do? This is insanity.

…and now I see they were “good enough” to send me an email with no useful information beyond what I already have.

It’s pretty useless there at CRA now, they know nothing about the process, called in the issue, and they had no clues. Wanted to start from the beginning by reproducing the same problem for them to understand the issue

Double-check that the “RP000X” portion of the account number is correct. I had that issue with filing T5s and it was because I was using 0001 when it should have been 0002.

Does the client have an RP account? T5s and T4s are now failing when the client doesn’t already have the RZ and RP accounts set up, so we have to go in and set one up and then go file the slips.

Confirmed with TaxCycle that this, and the supremely slow character inserting character by character is intentional by the CRA to combat fraud or enhance security.

Not sure if that sheds any light for you but thought I should mention it :slight_smile:

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Client is long-established and uses RP0002 (correctly!). So weird.

It’s like a comedy of errors now. We find a new error/issue every time we file something. Really unimpressed with the CRA’s efforts to “streamline” and “improve” systems this year.

So just checked the client online…and there is NO indication of any filing, attempted, rejected or otherwise.

So, I thought…hmmm…it says I can file through RAC using Internet XML transfer. But there doesn’t seem to be an actual explanation of how to do so?

So frustrating.

Has anybody noticed the similarity between the current political situation and the 1995 movie “Canadian Bacon”?

Funny you should mention this, Nezzer. My wife and I watched that movie just last week and could help making that comparison. Sad state of affairs indeed!

we use Taxprep at my office but we found that removing the SIN of the proprietor on the T4SUM has fixed a lot of our efiling issues! (along with removing spaces in postal codes)