Filing of T4s

Has anyone been able to file T4s yet? I have tried so many ways, browsers and computers and when I get to the last step everything freezes. I have spoken to someone at CRA who opened a case file for me and stated I am one of many. The person I spoke with says there is a problem that they are trying to address, this was two weeks ago. I was hoping to get all my T4s filed for clients by the end of January but it is not looking like it.

You are posting on a Taxcycle forum.

Are you using the Taxcycle T4 module? If you are having difficulties, perhaps you should contact Taxcycle directly.

I have had no problems filing T4s and just filed a set this morning thru Taxcycle module.

If you have problems with CRA filing directly on their system, it is doubtful there would be many on this forum whom could help.

IMO, creating a casefile is the correct avenue to follow if you choose not to purchase software.

CRA is pretty good at getting back to people when they create a case file for an issue. The filing deadline is end of February… lots of time for them to figure it out.

Best of luck

Yes, I filed some T4s through TaxCycle last week. Other than having to copy/paste a few fields (which is supposedly fixed in the last update), everything worked 100%

I just finished filing my own T4 and T4Sum using My Business Account WEB process. It was seamless until the last step on the T4 Sum to validate amounts owing (if any). The validate button didn’t seem to work even though the DIFFERENCE line showed $0.00 owing. I decreased Box 82 Remittances to a penny less and this kickstarted the Validate button getting it to work. I then returned the Box 82 amount to the correct amount and successfully filed my T4 and T4 Sum.

The only other issue I had was with the Business name field entries (Name 1, Name 2, Name 3) where Name 1 auto populated with MY name vs my actual Business Name. Thinking they wanted the business owner’s names in these fields, I allowed my name to stay in this field, and also entered Bus Owner 2’s name. On submitting the T4’s, I discovering that my T4 slip was now populated with the Business Owner’s names instead of my Business Name in the Employer’s Name field. I filed an Amendment to correct this, adding a comment about why I amended the T4 and suggesting that CRA needs to be more clear in their descriptions of what information they want in these fields. It’s interesting that the Amended T4 does NOT show the words “AMENDED” on it. The T4Sum does show the words, “Amended” on it.

Hope this helps.

I filed T4’s and T5’s with no issues through TaxCycle.

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Yes, this is working now after the last Tax Cycle update on Thursday. Use your own RZ account you have set up in the software options and your own password. All else happens automatic now. For T5 you need to safe the confirmation number, for T4 it auto-populates.

QBO and QB desktop is a nightmare. We will have to key everything into Tax Cycle.

Tis is such a mess this year.

however the problem still arrises if you do not have your own payroll account to process. I was creating t4 and unable to submit them because of web access code using the clients account number. tried to get a web access code and the system would not give one i needed to know the exact day the client opened his payroll account. lots of issues with filing today a very frustrating day however i am done with t4.

i was under the impression that using tax cycle t4 would be more simple however it has proven to be as difficult as using cra website this year . and Quickbooks is a night mare they dont have their fix yet to be able to upload the files to cra.

what a year so far !!

Jeannette Guy-St. Jean
The Personal Touch Services

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I filed some T4s and T5s through TaxCycle. For the T5s, I received immediate CRA confirmation, and the T5s were posted to clients’ CRA accounts. However, for the T4s, while I got confirmation, none of the T4s were updated, and I didn’t receive any email from CRA. I would like to piggyback my question to this thread.
Do you know how long it typically takes for T4s to update?

It seems like it takes a day or two for the T4’s and Summary to populate on the Client’s My Business Account or Represent a Client. I filed a few last week and they did not show up for a couple of days, but they are all there now.

i did mine yesterday through tax cycle and they are up on my clients cra account so 1 day

Jeannette Guy-St. Jean
The Personal Touch Services

Thank you for sharing this information. I called the CRA today and the agent told me that it would take at least two business days for the CRA to process T4s this year.

Thanks! Interestingly, the T4s I submitted last Friday haven’t been processed, but some of T4s I submitted yesterday were processed today.

I have seen T4s proceeded in 10 minutes. I filed today for one client and while I was still on the account, I saw it got processed.


Thanks! The T4s I filed today show as “Accepted” while the ones I filed last Friday are now marked as “in progress.”

Its my first year trying to use Tax Cycle to file for T4/T5 slips, and when I tried to import the XML file from last year which I downloaded from CRA, it leaves me this message!??

I’m running into this now, too (as I don’t have a payroll account of my own) and have always just filed my clients’ using web forms via RAC.
Is that “exact date”, or WAC available somewhere on RAC or did you need to call (or client knew)?
P.S. I ended up just registering an RP account for myself so I could get a WAC.