Hi, There is an error showing up that the return is not eligible for Efile. How to resolve that issue?
T1 EFile is closed until Feb 20
T1 open on feb 19th
Poster is likely aware of that.
Likely just wants to prepare the paperwork and get signatures and finalize a return efficiently now for filing on that day.
Other thread was hi-jacked so I will continue with my beef here.
Go to the Efile worksheet which lists the exclusions to efiling. You probably have an exclusion. Fix it if you can and when Efile opens up again you should be able to efile it.
TaxCycle has a webinar starting in a few minutes on Preparing a Basic T1. I take it every year and always pick up good tips or things I have forgotten.
If I understand @Arliss’ issue correctly, the only exclusion on the Efile Worksheet is the one imposed by TaxCycle. Right now, TaxCycle flags all T1s as not being eligible to efile (which kind of makes sense, seeing as CRA efiling will only re-open Feb 19). Presumably, TaxCycle will release a new update shortly before Feb 19th (once the software has been approved by CRA) that will remove that “can’t be efiled” error/flag.
Because all returns are currently flagged as not eligible, it’s messing with the CLetter (and likely others). In the CLetter there’s a separate section that’s include based on if the return is efile eligble or not. Even though the return will eventually be eligible to be efiled, it’s printing the section of the CLetter letting the client know it’ll be paper filed. Not to mention the T183 which won’t be printed at all until the efile eligibility is changed.
We haven’t used the default print sets in a while but I would guess those are also setup to be used/available based on whether the return is being efiled or not.
I believe @Arliss is asking if that flag/error can be changed/removed. That way a return can be prepares now, have the client sign the appropriate forms (including the T183) and have everything ready/done for Feb 19th when efiling opens.
Could not have said that better myself. Really I couldn’t.
We’re working on something in templates the letters better reflect the status of eligible to EFILE but with the system not yet open.
The print sets are another matter that I’m also looking into but I don’t have a solution for yet.
@Arliss I can confirm that we have a fix so that the EFILE eligible content shows in the letters even when the EFILE systems is closed. I’ve also added a sentence with the EFILE opening date.
As for print sets, for the moment, I would suggest creating a print set that works during this time period, so you can get to the T183. Duplicate your client copy and right-click to adjust the form settings, like the T183 so it always appears.
Thanks. Next release I presume?
Elizabeth that is perfect thank you
@Arliss It’s in testing now, so barring anything unforeseen, yes.