Sign off date on engagement information

Would be great if we could have ‘today’s date’ option, similar as for ‘signing date’

Easy to do.

For now you can focus the date field and press ‘t’ to get the current date.

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Hi @BertMulderCGA , could you provide us with some more detail. In the T2 Engagement form, there are various date fields:

  • Date filed (T2, AT1, CO17)
  • Date client info received
  • Due date for internal review
  • Engagement due date

I would think that “Use today’s date” QuickFix would be useful only for Date client info received. Could you let me know if that is the date field that you would like us to add the today’s date QuickFix to?



I misread the “Sign off date” in your title. I read it as “Signing date”. Sorry, ignore my last post. To add the “Use today’s date” QuickFix to the Sign off dates, I will need to add a review message for missing “Sign off dates” first. Of course, you can always turn off these message for all files if this is not something that one would find useful.

Now, I was thinking that I would add the missing sign off dates review messages but I would turn them off by default (I will have to ask Cam if we can do this) so that only those who would find this message useful would simply turn them “on” for all files in Options. Would this work for you?


sounds good

[quote=“Steven, post:4, topic:447”]
Now, I was thinking that I would add the missing sign off dates review messages but I would turn them off by default (I will have to ask Cam if we can do this) so that only those who would find this message useful would simply turn them “on” for all files in Options.[/quote]


Yes, we can do this. When you define the review message in code add a “Default” parameter to the Review attribute like so:

[Review(“Engagement”, “A1B9B259-9013-475D-AD86-4CF8C6A77856”, Default = false)]


Done. This will be in next week’s release. This new review message will be available in all years T2, T5013 and T3010.

Make sure to go to Options for each module and enable the review messages (ie. T2 : Options > T2 > Review > 2015, click on “Show only disabled review messages”, click on checkboxes, Apply, OK)

Once the review messages are enabled, whenever the names of the partner, reviewer or preparer have been entered in the Engagement form (Top of the form in the “Office” section) but sign off date missing, you will see the new review message with a QuickFix to enter yesterday, today or tomorrow’s date.

Have a great day!
