Out of Country Phone Number

Having trouble with an out of country phone number.

It changes format after I enter it.
The country code is 3 digits. Your example shows a 2 digit country code.
Just wondering if the design didn’t include a 3 digit country code possibility?

do not forget the “+” sign. For example for the number being entered in taxcycle. I did not add any spaces and it worked.


Can’t seem to access TaxFolder at the moment but will take a look at my entry when I can. Thanks for the idea.

It is down for me as well, i sent email to Taxcycle with no response. Hazards of first year program I guess.

Looks like it is back up

The number changes after I enter, leave the client and return. It then appears to have spaces where it shouldn’t and client cannot seem to access.

I have tried various ways of entering.

I see you have said “entered in Taxcycle”.

I have been entering in TaxFolder.

You are correct. We have logged the request to expand the country code to 3 digits.

Is there way to work around this for now?

Unfortunately, not at this time. We do have a developer looking at it and we may be able to get this updated in the next release planned for early May.

What about someone else’s cell number to relay the code?

Yes, that could work if the code can be relayed before it expires.

With the outage tonight will this be addressed?

We have had to defer the update planned for last night to tonight to allow for more testing, but yes, the change to allow the 3-digit country code is a part of this release.

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Still not working in this case.

Was now going to try the workaround with code relay and with local number now entered.

When sending received this message.

TaxFolder unable to send your document.
TaxFolder responded with HTTP 400 Error - The data submitted has some issues.

Any suggestions.