Multiple year returns and Rep Authorization

Good afternoon
Just looking for confirmation when doing multiple years for a client…

  1. Generate Auth Rep form in the current year (2023)
  2. File 2023 Return first (because of Auth Rep in that year)
  3. File previous years in chronological order

When you hover on the check box on Information page…it says to file returns from the latest to most current (which makes sense), so just want to make sure on #1 and #2 above.

thanks so much

Yes to generate Authorization in the 2023 file. No to filing the 2023 return first. It doesn’t matter that the authorization was filed from there. File all the returns in chronological order. Otherwise it messes up the RRSP room amounts etc that depend on the prior year carry forwards. If you file 2023 first any RRSP deductions are likely to get denied for lack of room.

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I agree file oldest first.
in addition, After i have prepared the oldest return, i refresh each years carry forward to ensure i have an accrate historical summary.

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Thank you, I didn’t think that sounded right.

Excellent!! Thank you both so much for your response.

ooh, just realizing what you said about refreshing…is that the refresh button under the Data Tab??