GIFI Note import

When importing a Caseware GIFI file that includes the notes, a subsequent re-import duplicates the notes. They are being appended to the original GIFI Note worksheet. What is the best practice to avoid this duplication - do we ensure that GIFI Notes is cleared before each import or is there a cleaner way to do this?


Under T2 Options, there is a question “Replace T2 notes when GIFI notes are re-imported”. If you select this checkbox then GIFI notes will be replaced rather than appended upon re-import.

You can find this option under TaxCycle > T2 > General.

Thanks Steven,

We have that checked off but we still get duplications of the notes…?



Hm… Try this - in Options, navigate to Taxcycle > T2 > General, then click the triangle to the left of General. This will show the General options by module year. Click on each year and make sure that there is a check in the box to Replace T2 notes when GIFI notes are re-imported. Click OK, then try the import again.

Please reply whether it worked or not - I’d like to follow up and figure out what’s going on.

Thanks Gail,

We have checked all of the above. We are working with Caseware – looks like the issue may be at the source of the GIFI file…

@m.turner, if you want you can securely send us the file to via e-Courier ( so we can look into it. Just remove the sensitive information from the file prior to sending it. We’ll be happy to help!


Thanks Annie

The issue is in the Caseware Financials template – we are working with Caseware to resolve it.
