FHSA - Schedule 15 (T1 Return)

Not to be mistaken with the infamous T3 Schedule 15.

I had advised several of my younger clients to open FHSA accounts in 2023 regardless of whether they actually made a contribution in 2023. Opening the account would allow for the carryover of unused contribution room.

I notice that Step 1 on the T1 Schedule 15 (field 68930) asks if the client opened a FHSA in 2023 (regardless of whether they made a contribution). TaxCycle does not flag this or provide any type of diagnostic. I suppose it would likely be annoying if there was a diagnostic for every single client.

What TaxCycle could do however, is put a checkmark in box 68930 if a 2023 T4FHSA slip was downloaded and imported via AFR even if there is no amount in box 18.

Iā€™m not sure how important it is in the grand scheme of things to have this box checked if a FHSA was merely opened in 2023 without any contributions.(ie whether not checking the box could potentially mess up the carryover of unused contribution room).

I just thought that tax preparers might want to be aware to check the box on Schedule 15 if a FHSA was simply opened in 2023.

You have to keep in mind though that the FHSA needs to be closed on the 15th anniversary of opening your first FHSA. When you advise someone to open up a FHSA at 18, are they ready to buy a house at 33? Not everybody is.

There will be a new tool available by then or something to roll it into.

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After 15 years you just roll it into an RRSP without using up your contribution room. An extra (up to) $40k in RRSP contributions.