DoxCycle / Bookmark

Can’t seem to find a way to fix this:
When I print a T1 to DoxCycle PDF, and then (as if I were the client) in Adobe - or any other PDF reader - the default bookmarking is rather unwieldy.

On mine it looks like:
Bob Taxpayer
dd/mm/yyyy ##:##:## PM
Current Year Tax Return - T183 - Information…
Current Year Tax Return - T1-T1 General…

(each of the above successively indented until the forms listing; doesn’t work on the forum!)

The first three lines are not generally relevant (the first is optional), and while the date and time might be relevant in DoxCycle, it’s not useful in the printout.

Can that be altered?

^bump. Anyone?

…all I really want is the forms to be at the left so it’s easy for the client to find a specific one…