
Is there any way to extract the first initial from a taxpayer/spouse first name(s) to add to a label?
i.e. Jones, B or Jones, B & C.

Here’s the label code including itnitials:

{{# CurrentClient.Info }} {{ ID.FirstName }} {{CurrentClient.Info.ID.Initial}} {{ ID.LastName }}
{{# CurrentClient.Info.Address }}{{# CareOf }}c/o {{ . }}
{{/ CareOf }} {{# POBox or POBoxLocation }}{{# POBox }}PO Box {{ . }}{{/ POBox }} {{ POBoxLocation }}
{{/ POBox or POBoxLocation }} {{# RuralRoute }}RR {{ . }}
{{/ RuralRoute }} {{# Apartment }}{{ . }} - {{/ Apartment }}{{# Street }}{{ . }}
{{/ Street }} {{# Country != “USA”}}{{ZipCode}} {{/ Country != “USA”}}{{# City }}{{ . }} {{/ City }}{{ abbreviate(Province) }}{{# State }}{{ . }} {{/ State }} {{ format(PostalCode) }}{{# Country = “USA”}} {{ZipCode}}{{/ Country = “USA”}}{{/ CurrentClient.Info.Address }}
{{/ CurrentClient.Info }}

Just to be clear, I am looking for the possibility of printing just the first character of the {{CurrentClient.Info.ID.FirstName}} and/or {{CurrentClient.Info.SpouseID.FirstName}} fields.