I spent some time building some template code that does a couple of things that aren’t in the standard letters and thought I would share in case it is useful for others.
The code below is a salutation for letters with the name, address and Dear XXX and works without change for coupled or uncoupled returns. (Note, however, if you have a coupled return but want your letters individually addressed, this won’t work for you).
What is does that is different than the standard letters is:
- If there is a nickname in the file, it uses that instead of the first name.
- If the return is coupled, it also includes the spouses name (or nickname).
- If the spouses use different last names, it includes both last names.
You can copy and paste this into a template to try, or download the attached file (which works as a snippet).T1TY2017;T1TY2016;T1TY2015.Salutation.taxcycletemplate (3.5 KB)
{{# CurrentClient}}{{# coupled(CurrentClient)}}{{# Info.ID.Nickname}}{{Info.ID.Nickname}}{{/end}}{{# not(Info.ID.Nickname)}}{{Info.ID.FirstName }}{{/end}}{{# Info.ID.LastName != Info.SpouseID.LastName}} {{Info.ID.LastName}}{{/end}} and {{# Info.SpouseID.Nickname}}{{Info.SpouseID.Nickname}}{{/end}}{{# not(Info.SpouseID.Nickname)}}{{ Info.SpouseID.FirstName }}{{/end}} {{Info.SpouseID.LastName}} {{/end}}{{#not(coupled(CurrentClient))}}{{# Info.ID.Nickname}}{{Info.ID.Nickname}}{{/end}}{{# not(Info.ID.Nickname)}}{{ Info.ID.FirstName }}{{/end}} {{Info.ID.LastName}}{{/end}}
{{# CurrentClient.Info.Address }}{{# CareOf }}c/o {{ . }}
{{/ CareOf }} {{# POBox or POBoxLocation }}{{# POBox }}PO Box {{ . }}{{/ POBox }} {{ POBoxLocation }}
{{/ POBox or POBoxLocation }} {{# RuralRoute }}RR {{ . }}
{{/ RuralRoute }} {{# Apartment }}{{ . }} - {{/ Apartment }}{{# Street }}{{ . }}
{{/ Street }} {{# Country != “USA”}}{{ZipCode}} {{/ Country != “USA”}}{{# City }}{{ . }} {{/ City }}{{ abbreviate(Province) }}{{# State }}{{ . }} {{/ State }} {{ format(PostalCode) }}{{# Country = “USA”}} {{ZipCode}}{{/ Country = “USA”}}{{# Country}}
{{ . }}{{/ Country }}{{/ CurrentClient.Info.Address }}
Dear {{# coupled(CurrentClient)}}{{# Info.ID.Nickname}}{{Info.ID.Nickname}}{{/end}}{{# not(Info.ID.Nickname)}}{{Info.ID.FirstName }}{{/end}} and {{# Info.SpouseID.Nickname}}{{Info.SpouseID.Nickname}}{{/end}}{{# not(Info.SpouseID.Nickname)}}{{ Info.SpouseID.FirstName }}{{/end}},{{/end}}{{#not(coupled(CurrentClient))}}{{# Info.ID.Nickname}}{{Info.ID.Nickname}}{{/end}}{{# not(Info.ID.Nickname)}}{{ Info.ID.FirstName }}{{/end}}, {{/end}} {{/CurrentClient.Info}}