Blank T4RSPs

So for the past week my firm has AFRed a few clients’ 23 returns and gotten T4RSP slips that had no numbers in boxes, just a bank/investment company name. All three of these clients have bought RRSPs with the corresponding companies, none have withdrawn. Obviously it’s too early for the RRSP cont slips to be downloadable, but I’m just curious if we’re the only ones?It’s happened with Meridian Credit Union, TD, and Industrial Alliance. We are new to TaxCycle this year, so maybe this is just an early tax season thing? Anyone else having this happen?

My clients with TD RRIF’s don’t have slips up yet. They are on the bank website for download but not the CRA AFR yet.

“So for the past week my firm has AFRed a few clients’ 23 returns and gotten T4RSP slips that had no numbers in boxes, just a bank/investment company name.”

Ditto here.

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Definitely WAYYYY too early… you may be getting some odd default as they had contributed in the past.

Personally, I refuse to work on client files until next week… and even then… I advise them the chances of everything being up are every slim.

Please remember it is not an automatic system. Slips are uploaded and reviewed by CRA before being posted for us to download.

CRA system may limit the number of items posted daily to avoid their system crashing ( my Ex from many moons ago was a computer programmer… learnt a few behind the scenes things)

FYI, this year, more of my clients have been contacting to begin their tax return than in previous years ( pre opening). Taking note and will start when its open :blush:

Same thing here also.

Also getting several blank T4RSP slips from AFMR so far this year – Meridian and Scotia Capital so far – perhaps TaxCycle could connect with their CRA contacts to find out if there is an issue?

I got one today for my husband who I know did not take any out this year or any other year. TD Waterhouse.

Yup - one for myself and my wife as well from TD Waterhouse. No RRSPs here (too old, LOL!).

It looks like effective January 1, 2024, financial institutions have to report FMV of RRSP/RRIF in box 38 on T4RSPs. I think that’s why they were initially showing up on in AFR downloads until it was fixed.

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