AFR Results and issues

I found that only this year I have to log in to Represent a Client, and then run the Auto-fill My Reutrn via Tax Cycle otherwise it doesn’t work…

And if it doesn’t you can always head across and run into the ocean.

Thanks for all the replies - I did get one to work.

I think this login process that the EFile Association managed to get for us does make things worse. But If Steve Watson had not worked on our behalf, we would have to log in every time we want access instead of being able to login once in 8 hours.

There’s a couple of solutions to the time-out issue, the best of which (for me) seems to be:

  • add an extension (“tab reloader”) to the browser of your choice
  • Log into RAC
  • Set the tab to reload every 5 minutes so it doesn’t time out
  • leave that running in the background
  • do AFRs as often as you like throughout the day
  • close out at end of day

Works like a charm and you have to log in only once, enter the passwords only once etc.

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I have a tab reloader at work - it’s definitely working, but I still get the same error message.

As long as it’s the same browser “reloading” as is used for AFR that shouldn’t happen. Mine works perfectly (auto-tries Chrome, so I just left AFR that way, and put the reloader on Chrome as well. I don’t use it for anything else, mostly FF for other stuff).

In this world of spyware, are these browser addons safe to use? They sound great, doing an amazing service as demonstrated by this Reload addon. I’m always cautious, especially when it comes to accessing CRA’s sites.

Yah - certainly something to be aware of. One of the reasons for carefully researching them and finding ones that are, indeed, “known safe”. But for sure, anything can be hacked and so can anybody.

CRA’s “last visited” is a pretty good indicator though. If it’s ever “not” when you visited…it’s time to get on it and get everything changed up!

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I find if I log in first through TaxCycle to do an AFR, fill in all the nice little boxes, click “don’t ask me again today”, then later I want to look up something on someone’s CRA account, I have start all over again with the little boxes. Very irritating.

Pat Gamborg


1354 Fed Road

Bear River NS B0S 1B0


Marc from TaxCycle logged in and set a few switches and now it works perfectly. One more reason to love TaxCycle.

The tab reloader also works great to avoid the problem of having to log into CRA multiple times in a day.