AFR Error 503

I’ve been getting error code 503 when attempting AFR this evening. Anyone else? I can’t seem to find where CRA would post about if this is a system wide issue or not.

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I am getting the same error

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Thanks for letting me know - will have to wait to see if it is fixed tomorrow or what CRA says…I think I saw another post in here from a few years ago with the same error unfortunately.

I am getting the same error as well. Was on a roll guess not any more.

Yup. Same here. That’s actually the reason I came to the forum an hour and a half ago…then I started reading all the posts from the last couple days…

That’s a big of a relief knowing it isn’t just me. Also concerning as I hope it doesn’t last. A good reminder how useful and time savings the service is!

I’m getting it this morning (7:20 EST). Think I’ll just go out and stare at the sun.

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Still this error… it is 8:55am Atlantic…

Due to solar eclipse my child only in school 1/2 day ( liability issues for schools…lol) therefore, I am working 1/2 day of the daytime hours… no fear will definitely be resuming work this evening.

Anyone have any intel on when this is to resolved?

6AM Mountain still getting the error 503

I am still getting this error 8:26 EDT; tried to call the CRA but there is a 2.5 hour waiting time.

I’m on hold with the CRA now and was told 1/2 hour to 45 min wait. Hopefully they will have some answers for us.

Thanks for taking one for the team @edaamen

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I see it’s working now but they have a message telling you that all the information may not be there pending resolution of an error. I can smell a filing extension.

I’m speaking with someone now. She says there is nothing posted from their IT department as of yet. I gave her the error code and the information I have and she is putting a ticket into IT. It could be they are just becoming aware of it as more people call in. I mentioned the message you received as well @kevin

Got in partially… not good…

This may be a message from TaxCycle