Tuition transfer from child to parent - w/o override or optimization

The title pretty much says it all. Is there a way to transfer tuition from a child to the parent (both in the same TaxCycle file) without turning on optimization or having to override any amounts?

We’ve tried entering the amounts transferred in DepCredSum, on the Dependant schedule, on the Optimization worksheet and on the child’s S11, but the tuition is either not transferred or requires overrides. Is there a different place we should be entering the transfer amounts?

If the dependent return is also included in the same tax file, on the dependent’s S11 if there is unused tuition that can be transferred at line 23 this will automatically be updated on the Dependant worksheet in the parent’s return here:


If you scroll down there is a field that shows which taxpayer the credit is allocated to:


It will also show on the DepCredSum. If you wish to change the optimized allocation you can turn that off here:

Then select the taxpayer you would like to allocate to.

@sarka All of that works perfectly fine only if optimization is turned on. Unfortunately, if you turn optimization off you need to override a whole bunch of things to make the transfer.

IE: I would like to know if it’s possible to transfer tuition from a dependant to a parent with optimization off (without overrides)…

Are you looking to transfer a different amount? If yes you can do that on the dependent’s S11 here:

That will update the claim here for the parent:

@sarka How did you do that with optimization off? That’s what I’m trying to do (not specifically change the amount transferred but have any amount transferred). Regardless of what I’ve tried, I can’t get any amount to show up as being transferred.

When I try to enter an amount (whether I choose Yes or No from the drop-down box in your screenshot) nothing is populated in box 32700 on line 24 and the full amount of tuition is carried forward and nothing transferred…

The only time the tuition transfer will work for me is when I enable optimization (or override things).

Is it not that amount from the current year’s T2202 can only be transferred to spouse or parent but if there is any Carry forward amount in S11 that cannot be transferred?

Correct… any amount carried forward from a prior year on the S11 can only be used by the student, and not transferred.