We send cover letters/emails to our clients when we issue T4s. Most of our clients have only the shareholders as employees, but some have employees as well. This letter adjusts for that, and for if we prepare their personal tax returns in house or not, if you add a couple of Custom Fields to the T4 module.
Dear {{Info.SigningAddress.FirstName}},
T4 Employment income return
The financial statements of {{CurrentClient.Info.IssuerAddress.Name}} show salaries paid during the calendar year. Forms T4 Summary and T4 Supplementary must be filed with Canada Revenue Agency no later than February 28, {{CurrentClient.Info.Filing.TaxYear+1}} in respect to these salaries.
We have filed the T4 summary and supplementary returns with the Canada Revenue Agency on your behalf. A copy is of these returns is attached for your corporate records.
{{#isno(customfield(“T1inhouse”))}}Your personal copies are also attached. You need to include them with your personal tax return when you file.{{/isno(customfield(“T1inhouse”))}}
{{#isyes(customfield(“T1inhouse”))}}I have kept your personal copies on file in my office for use in filing your personal tax return. {{/isyes(customfield(“T1inhouse”))}}
{{#isyes(customfield(“NonSHEmp”))}}Your employee’s T4’s are also attached. You must distribute them to your employees before February 28.{{/isyes(customfield(“NonSHEmp”))}}
{{#CurrentClient.T4Summary[0].T4SummaryInfo}}{{#BalanceDue}}You owe ${{format(BalanceDue)}}.{{# BalanceDue > 2}} This amount is payable to the Receiver General on or before February 28, {{ CurrentClient.Info.Filing.TaxYear }}. There are various ways to make your payment. You can make your payment electronically using your financial institution’s internet or telephone banking services. Alternatively, you can pay with a cheque. Write your social insurance number on the back, and mail it to the nearest Tax Services Office, located at Canada Place, 9700 Jasper Ave. Edmonton, T5J 4C8. Balances due can result in audits or other requeests for information from CRA. Please contact us if CRA contacts you regarding this amount.{{/end}} {{# BalanceDue > 0 and BalanceDue <= 2 }}The CRA does not require payment of a balance owing that is $2 or less.{{/end}} {{/end}}
{{#CurrentClient.T4Summary[0].T4SummaryInfo}}{{# Overpayment}} Your return shows an overpayment of ${{format(Overpayment)}}. {{# Overpayment > 2}}Overpayments can result in audits or other requeests for information from CRA. Please contact us if CRA contacts you regarding this amount. {{/end }} {{# Overpayment > 0 and Overpayment <= 2 }}The CRA does not refund balances of $2 or less.{{/end}}
If you have any questions or concerns about your tax situation or filing deadlines for this year, please give me a call at or email me.
I have created a T4 client letter for T-slips I prepare.
I would like to include the confirmation number received from CRA when they have been submitted.
Since I use my business number for the transmitter info my business number is shown in brackets after the the submission number. Is there anyway to only show the submission number? The workflow shows the Confirmation # with no BN, but there is no field code to copy.
@Elizabeth your the template guru, I am hoping you have an idea!
Here’s what my letter looks like to share.
{{ format(CurrentClient.Info.Filing.SigningDate, “January 2, 2003”) }}
Dear {{CurrentClient.Info.SigningAddress.FirstName}},
Subject: {{CurrentClient.Info.Filing.TaxYear}} T4 Slips
I have prepared your {{CurrentClient.Info.Filing.TaxYear}} T4 slips and summary based on the information you provided to me and have transmitted them to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
The slips were transmitted to CRA on {{ SubmissionDateTime }}.
Please find enclosed:
·Copy for your record
·Slips for your employees – Please distribute these to them by February 28
{{#CurrentClient.T4Summary[0].T4SummaryInfo.Difference = 0}}I have determined that your payroll balance is zero. {{/CurrentClient.T4Summary[0].T4SummaryInfo.Difference = 0}} {{#CurrentClient.T4Summary[0].T4SummaryInfo.Difference > 0}}I have determined that your payroll balance due is ${{CurrentClient.T4Summary[0].T4SummaryInfo.BalanceDue}}. {{/CurrentClient.T4Summary[0].T4SummaryInfo.Difference > 0}} {{#CurrentClient.T4Summary[0].T4SummaryInfo.Difference < 0}}I have determined that you have overpaid your remittances by ${{CurrentClient.T4Summary[0].T4SummaryInfo.Overpayment}}. CRA may contact you regarding this overpayment. If they do, you can contact me for a payroll breakdown to provid to them. {{/CurrentClient.T4Summary[0].T4SummaryInfo.Difference < 0}}
{{#CurrentClient.PD27S[0].Total.WageSubsidyClaim>0}}I have also prepared the PD27 application for the 10% temporary wage subsidy and enclosed two copies. You qualify for a subsidy of ${{CurrentClient.PD27S[0].Total.WageSubsidyClaim}}. This subsidy is taxable income to your business in the period which it relates to in 2020. Please sign one copy of the application and return to me in the attached envelope. {{/CurrentClient.PD27S[0].Total.WageSubsidyClaim>0}}
At this time, I have taken this opportunity to invoice you for the preparation fee for the T4 slips. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Apologies for the late reply, but hopefully this will help for next year. In one of the recent releases, we added the ability to access the filing information in slips modules: