T3 Dividend Income paid to Corp

I have a corporate client who received a T3 and T5008 from corporate investments made with CIBC. The T3 shows actual dividends, capital gains and foreign income. As these investments do not qualify for the small business deduction, where on Schedule 7 do you report.

  1. Dividend income

I understand the T5008 and capital gain information from T3 gets reported on schedule 6.

I would appreciate any direction on this

enter capital gains dividends to schedule 6 - it will carry to schedule 7

Where do you report box 25 & 34 from the T3 received by the corporation? Foreign non-business income and taxes paid? TIA

Schedule 125 field 8091 or 8097 depending on the nature of the income.

Schedule 21 for the foreign taxes paid.

Thanks! :slight_smile: