T2202 data

Why we have to enter period and amount twice on T2202 in tax cycle. Not sure if I am doing some wrong. It should be entered in the table with periods and total of months and amounts should be auto filled. Any further info?


Private Pilot Licence – Aeroplane
19/01 – 19/09 PT 9 Tuition $ 275

Commercial Pilot’s licence
19/03 – 19/03 PT 1 Tuition $ 2,404

Commercial Helicopter Licence
19/06 -19/11 FT 6 Tuition $ 63,940

How many times can I claim Mar?
How many times can I claim Jun – Sep?

Each month can only be claimed once.

One tuition slip, no problem.
Three overlapping slips and you have to make some adjustment for actual claim especially when 9 + 1 + 6 = 16. Last I checked a calendar year only has 12 and the client has no classes in 19/12. I am claiming 6 FT and 5 PT.

My question is when I enter 19/01 -19/03 with FT 3 and amt $570. It should copy all data from this table to top of the farm in box 24, 25 etc.