Memo's not Carrying Forward

I can’t seem to figure out why some of my T1 memo’s from 2016 are not carrying forward to 2017.

For instance, I have a bunch of T1’s where I made detailed notes (Memo’s) in the “Amount Field” in the “Disbursements” section of the “Billings Worksheet”. I double checked to make sure that Carry Forward was ticked.

When I carry the T1 forward to 2017 and look at the Billings Worksheet the memo’s are not there.
Is there any way to get these memos to show up in the 2017 T1?

If I had of placed the memo in field containing my HST number it seems the memo would have carried forward to 2017.

I have not noticed any issues but I have not completed may returns yet. I guess that if the carry forward checkbox in the affect memos has been has been clicked, it would be a bug that would need to be fixed.

I too have noticed in certain fields memo’s do not carry forward. It seems if the field is populated from another field this is the case.

It looks like this happens when the carryforward does not first create a field on which the memo can sit.

I looked at this last night and modified the behaviour for the next release. You can do a refresh carryforward to recover the missed memo.


~ Cameron



Thanks for the update, it’s working now. :slightly_smiling_face: