I know how to keep all the lines of one paragraph together on the same page, but is there a way to keep to paragraphs together? Specifically, what I want to do is make sure that the heading for a section stays with the first paragraph in that section so that I don’t have the heading at the bottom of the page with the first paragraph of the section on the next page.
I have tried highlighting the heading and the first paragraph and selecting Keep Together, but that did not work.
This is one of those things I wish were better about the component we use for the Template Editor. I cheat by doing the following:
- Adding two line breaks (Shift+Enter) after the first paragraph.
- Selecting both paragraphs and applying Keep lines together…
Not ideal, but it does what you describe.
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Thanks for the tip. I will give that a try.
I have used started using that method, and it works fine if the paragraph heading is one word, or if you don’t use full justification.
Our company style is full justification, and unfortunately when we use Shift+Enter and the heading is more than one word, it spaces the heading over the width of the page. The justification is applied by the paragraph, and the keep together is applied by the paragraph, so in some cases we will have to keep manually adjusting the page breaks.
Oh that is frustrating… I’m going to add this and a few other requests for us to look at whether we can include.
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