FilingCabinet {IssuerCabinet} Variable Availability Request

We have implemented a parameter for printing electronic copies into our server filing structure - the only thing we are still manually doing is moving the client PDF into our individual filing cabinet folder: “A” “B” “C” etc. - and “1” “2” “3” etc for numbered corporations.

Can we get a {IssuerCabinet} parameter that relates to a Slip Issuer rather than the {FilingCabinet} (which shows up blank) being available for Print settings for all slip modules?

Ex: Printing the 2023 T5 Summary to our “H:\Client” parent folder; “1” subfolder for numbered company 1234567 Alberta Ltd.; with settings like this would be:

Printer/Output: PDF
Save to: H:\Client
Email: None
File Name: \{IssuerCabinet}\{Name}\{ReturnYear} {ReturnType}\{Label}

English label: T5 Issuer Copy

…and would result in the following file location and PDF:
H:\Client\1\1234567 Alberta Ltd.\2023 T5\T5 Issuer Copy.pdf

PS - For greater clarity - the {FilingCabinet} parameter currently shows up blank when printing the T5 Summary - so perhaps it is only designed to work with T1 or T2 modules?



Wow. Love your setup. Will noodle through it to see how I can implement something similar. Been doing all of this manually. ARGH.

Conceptual questions.
Q1: How does TaxCycle recognize the parameter and respond with a drive and folder search? Are these simply a matter of options and printer settings?
Q2: Do you have any special server based document management app? Server user settings? Or, is it simple Windows foldering under a separate Server virtual drive called H for client documents?

This would be game changer for me.

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This is just the tip of the iceberg - needless to say I’ve sanitized quite a bit just to give them an example. I dabble in programming a bit, not to the level of their team - but that’s what everyone thought I was going to be. We use a lot of various tools, and I could create a power automate script to do some of this, but they already have most of the parameters.

I can only imagine how far I could go if they would open up all the variables and programming capabilities for customization of templates - but for now, I’m happy if they just give me this. :nerd_face: