I am trying to emails slips to employees. The email generated is populating the “To” field in the email with the client’s email address rather than the employee’s email address. Is this a glitch or am I doing something wrong? T!A
I haven’t been emailing T4s to empoloyee since I need authorization from them to do so.
Good point! I saw that requirement. We have a secure portal I can send them through, so I was testing this out with our own employees to see how it would work.
Great that you have a secure portal because CRA doesn’t consider email to be a secure method to send documents with SIN numbers on them. And typically you wouldn’t be masking SIN’s on tax slips you are sending to employees.
I’m always amazed by the number of my clients who send me tax documents by regular email despite my offering them a link to a secure portal and education about security.
For some people the secure portal is “just too complicated”, I think.
If you don’t mind, please let us know how that works for you. Sending with Adobe Sign would be easy for me. I am just concerned about whether everyone will acknowledge the receipt.
Taxcycle creates a password protected pdf to email to the client. Set the T4 Employee Copy print to pdf and then edit. Check off the box that has “Create one file for each recipient”. Th password should be set as “Last 6 digits of SIN”. You can then email these out.