Default page when opening a T1 tax return

Existing tax returns open at the last page or form that was displayed when last saved - - - If possible, I would like to be able to set a default so that all existing returns would open at a specific form such as the T1ShortSummary or 2YearClient (If this capability already exists, I would be grateful if someone will point me to it!). Thank you!


I had suggested the same some years ago but the suggestion never gained any traction.

I would like a toggle setting in T1 Options for default page opening. This could help in workflow optimization and quality checklist procedures.

Perhaps one of the following:

  • Info
  • Engagement
  • T1 Sum
  • Slips
  • Last used
  • Planning

We already do this and I showed it in my keynote of our virtual conference!

First, uncheck the option that automatically loads the previously opened tabs in the Options under Return Preparation|Edit, as follows:

Then open up any old return, and open the tabs you would like to have opened by default:

Then, click the circle to the right of the tabs, and from the dropdown, click “Save current tabs as defaults”:

And, for extra points you can also set which of the form sidebar tabs is shown when a new return is opened under Return Preparation | Sidebar, as follows:

1 Like

Many Thanks for this, Cameron!


Michael Hyde Tax Consulting
92 Blackdome Crescent

Kanata, Ontario K2T 1B1

(613) 297-3577

Is there a method here that will open a return with the previous tabs open but open on a specific tab by default?

Whichever tab you leave at the far left will be the default opening tab (I have mine on T1 Short Summ)

Does not work that way for me. Seems to open on the tab that was open when the file was last saved.

You need to uncheck the box in Options that saves the open tabs. (See Cameron’s explanation in the main post)

Problem is I do want all the tabs left open. I just want to be able to pick the tab it always starts open on. I could always make sure I navigate to that tab before saving but that wouldn’t be ideal.

All in all not a big problem. Just a would be nice kind of thing for me.

I was happy to learn about this when you demonstrated it during the webinar, but I missed (or forgot) the part on how to save the current tabs as default. So, thanks for re-sharing that here!

Thanks for software that’s always up to date. I worked for someone using Profile and it was horrible until i got home to do my personal clients in TaxCycle. Intuit owns both Profile & Quickbooks but exporting an invoice took a minimum of 20 - 45 seconds. With TaxCycle, it was 3 seconds to export at maximum.