CRA rejects T1 via efile due to CPP overpayment

I’m having an issue submitting a 2017 return via eFile. In summary, a client is behind in filing taxes, many years, he was also receiving the CPP disability benefit, which when received, CPP contributions are not required, anything you pay in CPP is reimbursed come tax time. The problem is, it has been more than 4 years in which case CPP overpayments can not be collected. On RC381, I have selected the checkbox do not recoup CPP overpayment and I have verified on the T1, CPP overpayment has an entry of $0. However, every-time i attempt to eFile the return, it’s rejected by the CRA for one of two reasons, either line 5549 and 5034 are empty and require an entry OR 4 years have passed therefore any CPP overpayment can not be reimbursed even though it’s not being sought on the T1.

Any assistance in this matter is appreciated, thank you.

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Better talk to CRA Helpdesk. This is an issue on their side and not on Taxcycle.

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I finally adjusted T4 where the overpayment occurred and it took the efile.