CRA dedicated telephone service!

Whoo-hoo! It’s about time!
Anybody signed up for this yet? I’m filling out the RC562 now.

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It has been around since last summer I think. It isn’t what I am sure you are hoping for. They cant help with a specific client and it isn’t a direct line to a senior agent. It is to get technical information on various complex tax scenarios. I think they are hoping to avoid the situation of various junior agents dishing out varying answers to the same question.

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Awww! Well that sucks. On the other hand, there are times I have a semi-complex tax scenario, and it would be nice to get a correct answer.

Thanks Jim

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Not sure I would call any of those numbers if I was searching for a “correct answer” :grinning:

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prefer to open up my ‘Intellilink’, aka CCH Tax Reporter. Or google.

I signed up in 2017 for the original pilot and got my PIN and have never called them. One of these days I will have a question and myay call just to see how it works