I am currently reviewing and updating all my tax workflow, procedures, configurations, tools, and materials.
I would very much opinion regarding the following materials:-
- Do you prefer a simple checklist, high level questionnaire, or detailed questionnaire?
- What presentation format do you use - paper, fillable PDF, online form?
- How do you go about your client interview - with no data, some data, or all date completed by the client in advance?
- Do you provide Client Lead Sheets for the various income, expense, and credit amounts? What do you use to generate these sheets? For returning clients do you prefill the fields?
- Do you populate these documents into a client portal with an email link to Tax Organizer and Lead Sheets?
- What apps or tools do you use to create and to present the above?
- Do you have any tips, suggestions, or recommendations re the above?
What do you use to present the printed copies - file folder, presentation folder with two pockets, stapled and placed into a 9"x12" envelope (side or top opening).
What print sets do you provide to your clients
summary with letters and signature pages
condensed with letters and signature pages
TaxCycle client copy with letters and signature pages but w/o worksheets
Full TaxCycle client copy with letters and signature pages with worksheets
A custom selection based on client’s interest
What do you your clients want and why?
How do you deliver the full print set required for Bank Loans and Financial Planning - PDF only, print and PDF, not provided.
If you were to use the Post Season and/or Pre Season Letter Template, how would you like this modified to be more usable and customizable for client interview, client organizer, and lead sheet purposes?
If you were to expand the capabilities of the current T1 Print Set Options to configure you own custom print sets, what would you want to see?
Is there anything that you would suggest to be changed, added, or improved to the current default T1 Print Sets?