CDE - uncashed cheques

Randomly I just rechecked something on a client and noticed that the CDE entry as below is YES.

Is there a functional way to search for these? It’s a nice touch for clients without MyAccount access (or those with it who have never noticed!).

From my own personal experience, my kid has an uncashed cheque and I was able to see more details in Represent a Client. Turned out to be a GST cheque and there was a form we needed to complete and submit to get it re-issued.

As @sarka mentioned, it can be viewed via your RAC access to the client’s account. I’ve been doing this for every T1 client for the last couple years - first thing I do when start preparing their return: I log in to their account, and click the link on the lower right:

If there are any uncashed cheques, there will be link to open the PDF copy of a pre-filled PWGSC Form 535. I print the form and give it to the client to fill out and send to CRA.

I’m aware of that and have run across a few as I’ve been on RAC. Was wondering if I could do a bulk search using TC instead - much more efficient!!


Would be nice to get a review mark for these, so we don’t have to spend time looking at the CDE for each client.


Fun fact!! If you REALLY want to go the extra mile for the client or the cheque is really big, you can print the form, have them sign it, then submit a scan of it on RAC! There’s an option in Submit Docs for it under “Other.”

Also wish we could do a bulk search…

Funnily enough I just did that for someone about 5 minutes ago!!

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