Attaching documents to a re-file

Hi all, I need to refile a T1 return for a client for an RRSP contribution slip that was not available at the time of e-filing. I want to attach the source document to the refile can anyone advise how to do this in taxcycle? Thanks

Hello c.p. I don’t think there is a need to send the RRSP slip since the CRA must have it on file already and just have done the reassessment yet. To the best of my knowledge you would have to upload the receipts separately. Klaus

Not all RRSP slips show up on RAC.

There is no way to attach supporting documents to a T1 EFILE or REFILE.

For some things, you can log in to RAC and use the CRA’s “Submit documents” function to upload support documents, but “support for a T1 adjustment” is not one of the options CRA allows…until they issue a letter asking for documents or create a pre/post-assessment review case.

You’re best to do the adjustment and wait for a letter from CRA asking for any documentation. In similar situations, I have checked the account for a week or so after you filing the adjustment. A letter will show up at some point if they want more documentation.

You can either do the adjustment in their CRA account and see if they process it automatically or if they send a review letter first, or you can fax the T1adj with a cover letter and the slip and they can process it all in one step. My last T1adj for rrsp contributions, it was processed immediately with no review letter.

There’s no way to attach documentation in TaxCycle to go with an efile or refile.

Thank you everyone. Refile has been done. CRA does have the RRSP slip on file so I expect they will process without requiring the source document - ever the optimist :slight_smile:

Colleen Warren

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